
Our goal is to provide a safe, nurturing environment while giving each infant the highest level of care and attention. We will build strong relationships with families giving you peace of mind while you are away from your baby.

Infants learn through daily routines (diapering, eating, etc.). Teachers will talk and play with infants throughout the day.

ECA Toddler

Infant Program Information

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Our infant program is for children between the ages of 6 weeks old to 18 months.

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Developing senses, coordination, & early motor skills are all worked on.

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We keep a low child-to-teacher ratio to ensure every child gets the best in care.



We implement the Creative Curriculum® to stimulate academic & creative growth.

We focus on six areas of development during your infant's day.

Social & Emotional development

Indicators focus on how children indicate their needs to their caregivers, respond to stimuli, learn to self-comfort, attend to the emotions of others and copy their actions, and show likes and dislikes.

Approaches to Learning

Indicators focus on how infants show interest in their environment, interact with others and objects for short periods, begin to manage frustration, generalize experiences, and recognize cause-and-effect relationships.

Language, Literacy, and Communication

Focus on the children’s receptive language and beginning communication skills with loved ones and caregivers. Interactions with books and early phonological awareness are seen in relationships with caregivers.

The Arts

Indicators focus on how children indicate their needs to their caregivers, respond to stimuli, learn to self-comfort, attend to the emotions of others and copy their actions, and show likes and dislikes.

Cognitive Development:

Math: indicators focus on the children’s beginning understanding of patterns and predictability as they anticipate familiar routines, spatial awareness as they respond to objects and sounds relative to themselves, and recognition of similarities and differences among people and objects.

Scientific thinking: indicators focus on how children observe and respond to external stimuli, show interest in exploring, and begin to recognize familiar items, people, and situations.

Social Systems: indicators focus on how children make their needs and wants known, relate to others, begin to notice the sequence of routines and recognize familiar people, toys, and objects.

Physical and Movement Development

Indicators focus on how children that young infants move involuntarily and with purpose, how they begin to move through space, and how they reach and grasp and use their hands and fingers.

We offer infants a variety of activities utilizing varied materials and equipment. The materials and equipment used to provide many activities may be indoor and outdoor. The activities are designed to be consistent with your child’s cultural background. Infant activities may be quiet & active as well as teacher-directed and child-directed.